For NM High School Parents, Students, & Administrators

What do you want to know about college?

Student raising their hand in class

Why College?

Are you wondering why going to college will be beneficial? 

Teacher helping student on their computer

Admission Requirements

Would you like to know about admission requirements and criteria such as GPA, SAT, and ACT scores?

Map of New Mexico


Would you like to know how close or far away you will be from your family and friends? 

Student receiving a certificate next to two men


Would you like to know the various cost of higher education and sources of financial aid? 

Student looking down at his exam

Certificates and Undergraduate Degrees

Do you want to find a college in New Mexico with your desired degree program? 

Students at Fair looking at presentation

Career Exploration

Are you unsure of what degree, program, or career you see yourself in?

Piggy bank on top of hundred dollar bills

Sources of Financial Aid

Would you like to know about various forms of financial aid to help you pay for school? 

Two students looking at a piece of paper

Resources for Native Americans at Colleges and Universities in NM

Do you want to find more resources for Native Americans at colleges and universities in New Mexico?